Health & Safety Protocols


When will SwimWest reopen?

  • SwimWest is planning to reopen Monday June 8th based on the most recent guidelines provided by the governing state and local authorities; the experiences of swim schools in other parts of the country; and the experiences of excellent swim schools we regularly work with in other countries who are ahead of the U.S. in reopening.   We are confident that we can provide a safe environment for your children to continue their swimming journey.

Is it safe to swim?

  • Yes. The CDC issued guidance that it is safe to swim as the virus cannot be spread via properly chlorinated and maintained pool water.  Both SwimWest pools meet or exceed the health standards set by the CDC.
  • Here is a LINK to the CDC direction on swimming and pool water.
  • Likewise, HERE is an article outlining how the virus cannot be spread in a properly maintained pool.

What are my lesson options for summer?

  • Note: All lessons will have 5 minutes between classes for cleaning and time for families to leave the building.
  • Group lessons: Our group lessons will be 25 minutes long and have a reduced number of swimmers. (Manatee – Shark classes at our West Madison location will be 40 minutes and utilize both lanes.) Regular lesson rate.
  • Family Private lessons: Our family private lessons will be 25 minutes long. 1-4 swimmers of similar level from the same family in the same class. $89.00 per weekly lesson. Contact customer service for availability.
  • Want to take a class with a friend or neighbor? We may be able to put you into the same class if they are the same level or one level apart. Contact customer service if you need help finding a class.

What is SwimWest doing to comply with social distancing?

  • One caretaker per child is allowed inside the swim school. 
  • Chairs in the observation rooms and pool deck will be spaced out  and we ask that you be mindful of others and patient while occupying shared spaces.
  • We ask that students arrive only five minutes before their scheduled class time to keep occupancy numbers within guidelines and walkways clear. Likewise, please exit the building as soon as possible following your child’s lesson 
  • Lesson start times will be staggered to ensure we have a controlled flow of people into the facilities.
  • Please note that our West Madison location has traditionally run their clocks 5 minutes slow. We will no longer be running clocks slow – classes will begin at their designated time.


How many people are going to be in the facility with me?

  • Currently, we are making plans to operate with no more than 50 people in the building at any one time. We will continue to follow local and state recommendations for how many people will be allowed in our facilities and will schedule our lessons to meet and adhere to these requirements.
  • If you would like to get a sense of how many people will be in the facility during your lesson, please call a customer service representative. If you would like to schedule your class at times when the facility loads make you most comfortable,  we will be prepared to work with you.


What can I expect to see different at the SwimWest locations?

  • We ask that parents wear a face mask into the building to reduce the spread of germs. 
  •  Also, children will not be required to wear any face covering while swimming.
  • SwimWest will be conducting temperature screening checks on all staff at the beginning of their shifts. Individuals with an elevated temperature will not be permitted in the building.
  • The front desk  will be equipped with protective barriers.
  • Teachers will initially be wearing face shields. While a face shield may be a strange sight to your child, we will be working on making the shields as fun as possible.  Our goal is to maintain SwimWest’s commitment to creating a warm and loving environment while also keeping your children and our valued teachers safe.
  • Please bring your own cap and goggles. For the time being, teachers will not have caps or goggles to lend out. For your convenience, we will have caps and goggles for sale at the front desk.

What is SwimWest doing to keep the schools clean?

  • We have always followed CDC cleaning protocols and those set out by other health professionals and authorities.  We also use CDC recommended cleaning products.
  • The facility will be wiped down throughout the day including high traffic areas and all door handles, tables, chairs, toilets, etc.
  • Disinfecting wipes will continue to be available throughout the facility and in changing areas.
  • The use of pool toys in our lessons is being scaled back and all toys and equipment that may be used will be disinfected between uses.
  • Additional deep cleans will be utilized as needed or recommended.
  • All observation room books and toys have been removed  to prevent the spread of germs in the observation areas.
  • Hand sanitizer will remain available at all locations but since supplies are so limited, we encourage families to bring their own.


What can I do to keep the schools a safe place for me and my family?

  • If you have visited SwimWest Swim School and have come in close contact with anyone who has experienced symptoms, we ask that you please notify the school immediately before returning. You may be asked to obtain medical clearance before returning to the swim school.
  • Any individual with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 is asked to notify us and remain out of the swim school until receiving written medical clearance to return.
  • If you have traveled outside of the country or been in contact with anyone who has, or with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or any flu-like virus, please notify the school immediately before returning. You may be asked to obtain medical clearance before returning to the swim school.
  • In general, if you or anyone in your household are sick or exhibiting symptoms of any illness, we ask that you fully recover before returning to the swim school.
  • SwimWest is continuously updating its safety measures so you may see additional precautions being implemented or existing protocols modified at your school.


What steps does SwimWest take to properly maintain their pools?

  • Since its inception, SwimWest Swim School has been at the forefront of building and maintaining pools that fight the spread of viruses and bacteria, including COVID-19, as well as the flu and other common childhood viruses.
  • Providing a safe and clean environment is why SwimWest Swim School has invested heavily in the infrastructure of our pools.
    • In addition to the appropriate use of chlorine, each pool has a high-quality UV water purification system that keeps the water clean. When water is pumped through our UV system, ultraviolet light rays kill dangerous germs and inactivates viruses.
    • SwimWest’s cutting-edge air filtration systems continuously expel stale air from the pool room and replace it with 100% ambient, fresh air. 
    • Our dehumidifiers have features like antimicrobial filters and controls that enable us to maintain healthy humidity levels that reduce the survival of bacteria and viruses.
    • SwimWest pools are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that monitors pool chemicals electronically and, in addition, we perform scheduled and documented manual water tests throughout the day to maintain healthy and balanced pools.
    • SwimWest pools are permitted by the governing Health Departments and are periodically inspected without notice by local authorities.
  • SwimWest pools are some of the cleanest and safest places for your children and our instructors.
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